I've been a struggling small business owner with huge debts, declining sales and no cost effective help available! That's why I created the small business method. To give you a proven way to get out of debt, increase sales and build a resilient business. I cleared $450k worth of debt in under a year by getting back to basics and implementing these methods.

🚀 The Small Business Method will provide you with ten simple strategies that will save a struggling small businesses.

🔥 There's no waffle, no business jargon or anything over complex - just proven strategies to make you more money and help you build a resilient, successful small business.

💰 This method will get you debt free, build sales and help you make extra money quickly!

📣 Includes a one hour strategy call with me - get the extra help you need to succeed

🚀 Guaranteed results or your money back

I'm so confident we can turn your business around together that I guarantee results or your money back. This is not your standard online course with hours of endless videos or lengthy essays on how to run a business (straight out of a text book).

The strategies and exercises here can be started straight away and create instant results. Yes it's still hard work but together we will clear your debts, increase your sales and help you earn more money than before. How do I know this? Because I've been in that black hole with a struggling business and I got myself out. I then used the same formula to help more and more businesses out of their black hole and I can help you.

I know how hard being a small business owner can be and it's getting harder than ever. So don't waste any time, make a commitment to yourself to succeed and join The Small Business Method today!

  • For Small Businesses

    The Small Business Method is a resource for all small business owners. Our proven strategies and exercises will help you grow your leads, boost sales and increase profit.

    This simple to follow and easy to implement programme has been designed for small businesses, micro businesses & solopreneurs.

  • How Does it Work?

    Once you've completed the purchase of you'll receive a link via email to access the programme. The programme is split into sections each with an introductory video, explainer and then an exercise, strategy or method for you to download and complete. There is no time limit and you can go to whichever section you wish, whenever you want.

  • How Quickly Will I See Results?

    You can see results from day one ... the strategies and exercises are simple yet really effective. Each exercise or strategy is based on your data so you can implement them straight away. We know you're busy so we've made sure you will see results quickly, motivating you to continue with the strategies and exercises.

  • "Working with Mark changed our business forever - we are now debt free, generating more income & profit than ever before. For the first time in a while I feel confident & excited  for the future."

    - Peter & Gill
  • "We've seen profits increase by almost £3000 a month! We've also started using lead magnets, cross selling to our customers & are successfully, generating way more leads than before"

    - Michelle, London, UK
  • "I was skeptical how much value an online book could provide however the exercises in the programme have changed our business and we've seen a dramatic increase in profits"

    - Jack, Sydney, Australia

Hi I'm Mark ...

I've owned small businesses for over twenty years. I often looked into business courses, downloaded the latest "gurus" book or downloaded the latest government guide to small business. The problem was that none of it made sense to me - just a load of buzz words and re-hashed content!

So when one of my businesses was in trouble, with debts spiralling and sales declining I needed to take serious action. I spent hours researching the basics of business and creating strategies that I put in to place. The result was clearing nearly half a million dollars of debt in under a year. I went from earning $100k a year to over $300k. What I found was simplicity and getting back to basics was crucial!

I'm really proud of the Small Business Method. It is everything I've learnt and used condensed in to a simple, concise programme designed to help small business owners.